Wednesday, November 5, 2008

21st Century Education Methods in college

In our CI 350 class we have mainly talked about using the methods of 21st Century Education in an elementary school setting. I'm sure we all agree that the methods used are more likely to grab the attention of younger kids and get them to work harder than if they were simply looking at a text book and listening to a lecture. In college, on the other hand, professors have went through numerous years of school to learn everything they can about a particular subject and eventually teach and test college students. Much like in elementary schools, it has always been that there are lectures, homework, and tests. While 21st Century Education methods seem practical in an elementary setting would it work in a college setting? Would professors ever feel that students working together and using technology based methods to learn would be as effective as lecturing and notes?

Personally I can't see college professors using the 21st Century Education Methods in their classrooms. It is apparent that these methods have done great things for elementary schools but what happens when these kids get to high schools and college and have to go back to the old method of listening to lectures? Granted that many teachers in high school and college are beginning to use power point presentations and other computer based methods, they are still lectures and fairly different from what 21st Century Education plans to do with their classes. Would this become a problem? Only time will tell.


cbailey said...

Well, I have several classes here at Marshall where my professors use 21st century teaching. In ALMOST all we do group work at some point during the class. I think that it is very effeceint because it show's me other peoples prospectives and enriches my knowledge of the subject so that when it comes test time, I know THAT much more. I think it is JUST as effecient in college as in grade school.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to have a teacher that used the 21st century method but im sure i will

Elizabeth said...

I think it would be Better if every college class had 21st century learning!

merritt45 said...

i have been wondering this fronm the getgo. I know that in some education classes i do group work, but i take a lot of upper level math classes and i could never see profs using 21st century learing to explain the technical definition of a limit.

Ryan McClintic said...

yeah i have some classes here where 21st century learning is installed...but for the most part it seems like most of the classroom here are outdated and dont have any technology in them....and i think some professors could care less if the students are actually getting the full message, sadly...but we are paying money 4 classes, and they are getting paid either way...

.:Kyra:. said...

I know I have some teachers that just walk around and talk hardly write anything on the board let alone make us slide shows of our notes but I also have some that do I think its slowly working its way into some of my classes.

lauraashley88 said...

In my CI 342 class we kind of have both styles. She gives us notes on the stuff, then we get into groups and do projects.

jewelia16 said...

I just did a big research paper on a subject similar to this and I found that combining the 21st techniques along with the traditional methods results in the most effective education.